Soirée camarguaise

Soirée Camarguaise: a celebration of local traditions

Oh, those "soirées camarguaises"! If you've never had the chance to take part in one of these magical evenings in Aigues-Mortes, get ready for an unforgettable experience!

Just imagine: the starry sky, the smell of the green fields at nightfall, the sound of horses and bulls, and the laughter of the guests. One of our staff members was lucky enough to live this adventure, and she's delighted to share it with you.

An unforgettable evening in Camargue

Gardian à cheval dans les prés de la manade lors d'une soirée camarguaise

Want to appreciate the generosity and fervor of the Camargue? Enter a manade and take part in a soirée camarguaise! Experience the thrill as ranchers herd the bulls, take part in the gardians' games and enjoy a Camargue meal at a communal table. Once the sun goes down, a gipsy band strikes the first chords and an unforgettable evening is born!

Performance meets entertainment

Gardian à cheval conduisant des taureaux dans les arènes lors d'une soirée camarguaise

I was lucky enough to start the evening with a visit to the manade accopmanied by a gardian, a Camargue bull and horse rancher. We got up close and personal with the bulls. They are impressive in their serentity and majesty. Such presence! 

The evening continued with gardian games in the arena. These riders, as if integrated into their sattles, dazzle us with their skill, in concert with their horses. The impressive maneuvers attest to a mastery of their art.

A festive dinner featuring local products

Soirée Camarguaise - Personnes prennant l'apéritif dans la manade

One of the highlights of a soirée camarguaise in Aigues-Mortes is the meal! Dinner at a manade is a regional product extravaganza. Depending on the manade, you can enjoy a brasucade of mussels, or a gardiane de boef (a bull meat stew), slow cooked and served with Camargue rice. Each dish is a discovery of rich, authentic flavors that reflect the generosity of the region.

As the meal draws to a close, a gypsy band begins to play, creating a festive and enchanting atmosphere. It doesn't take long for everyone to get up and dance. The rousing melodies of the guitars immerse us in the very substance of gypsy culture, so intimately linked to that of the Camargue.

Soirée Camarguaise Agenda

Soirée camarguaise  in Aigues-Mortes is much more than just a festive evening, it's a complete immersion in the culture and traditions of our region.

From the traditional meal to the fascinating bulll show, between warm encounters and cultural discoveries, every moment of this evening will remain engraved in the memory of those who attend. If you're looking for an authentic and memorable experience, don't miss the chance to enjoy a soirée camarguaise in Aigues-Mortes. You won't regret it!



Office de tourisme

Place Saint Louis - BP 23

+33(0)4 66 53 73 00

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