J'ai testé la balade "Camargue secrète en vélo électrique"

I tried the "Hidden Camargue by electric bike" tour

From the doorstep of Aigues-Mortes, embark on a 35km ride, accessible to all, on an electrically-assisted bike. 3½ hours of discovery in the Camargue Gardoise, accompanied by a naturalist guide so you can learn all you need to know about the riches of this wild territory.

Saddle up !

Allow me to introduce myself, I’m Jennifer, the deputy director of the Aigues-Mortes tourist office. Today, I am trying the new bike route: “Hidden Camarge by electric bike”, set by our Ambassadeurs EcoPasseurs du Païs

8:30 AM: I arrive at Station Bee’s, where I am greeted by Gisèle OLLIVIER, the Station Bee’s manager, and Christian Cau, a naturalist guide at Passion Nature Camargue, a passionate and fascinating native of the land.

To build up our strength, a tasting of the traditional sweet fougasse of Aigues-Mortes, accompanied by a cup of coffee, during which I meet my team-mates for the outing: two families and their teenagers, as well as a fifty-year-old gentleman.

Gisèle gives us an explanation of the bike functions. I am pleasantly surprised by how light and easy to use the bikes are.

9 AM: Gisèle announces the departure! Off we go on the 3½ hour ride through the heart of the hidden and wild Camargue.

J'ai testé la balade "Camargue secrète en vélo électrique"

Ride to discover the treasures of the Camargue Gardoise

J'ai testé la balade "Camargue secrète en vélo électrique"
J'ai testé la balade "Camargue secrète en vélo électrique"

We are off to a gentle start on the bike path that leads back to town, giving us time to tame our bikes.

Lead by Christian, our naturalist guide, we cycle between the Canal du Rhône à Sète and Vieux Vistre, the marshes at Carbonnière Tower and Le Cailar prairies, where Camargue bulls and horses graze.

Christian shares his knowledge while keeping us entertained with anecdotes: at what temperature do cicadas sing? What’s the difference between the Camargue bull and the Spanish bull? Why are the Camargue foals born with a gray coat? Where does the name Carbonnière Tower come from? What’s the endemic Camargue tortoise called?

A perk: privileged access to the Musette estate 

Christian opens the gates and leads us on a privileged stroll through the grounds of a private estate: La Musette (closed to the public).

An ancient agricultural polder, this site is a mosaic of natural environments typical of the Camargue Gardoise: ponds, reed beds, sansouïres…

On foot, we discover the many bird species who come to nest in Camargue Gardoise: pink flamingos, egrets, herons, stilts and avocets…

Christian, a passionate ornithologist, teaches us to “observe to hear and listen to see”.

J'ai testé la balade "Camargue secrète en vélo électrique"

12:30 PM, time to head back! Opinions are unanimous: the morning flew by! And thanks to the electric-assist bike, the ride is guaranteed to be pain-free!

Practical information for enjoying the outing:

J'ai testé la balade "Camargue secrète en vélo électrique"
  • Approximately 35km circuit, accessible to all: children 9 years old and older are welcome to electric bikes, and the smaller ones can ride in a bike seat.
  • Remember to bring a cap, a water bottle, and a small snack to keep your energy levels up during the ride.

  • Free, private parking on site.

  • To reserve a bike contact Gisèle at 07 86 23 74 15.



Office de tourisme

Place Saint Louis - BP 23

+33(0)4 66 53 73 00

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