
By connecting to the Tourist Office website, you accept these terms and conditions without reservation.

In accordance with Article 6 of Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 for confidence in the digital economy, those responsible for this internal site www.ot-aiguesmortes.com are:

Aigues-Mortes Tourist Office 
Place Saint Louis – BP 23
Tél. +33(0)4 66 53 73 00
Fax. +33(0)4 66 53 65 94

Publication manager : Pierre MAUMEJEAN, Maire.
Editorial manager : Béatrice GUIRAUD, Directrice.
Head of Development : Office de Tourisme.


The photographs illustrating this site are by Jean Luc PERRIER and Photothèque OT Aigues-Mortes.
Some of these photographs may be used to promote AIGUES-MORTES, with our written consent. Please send your request by e-mail to info@ot-aiguesmortes.com, specifying the use you wish to make of them.


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Office de tourisme

Place Saint Louis - BP 23

+33(0)4 66 53 73 00

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